@TKministry - Dec 25, 1999
A life, a dream. Fingers prod and pull at the threads to see if it may unravel in his hands. He is the creation of a creator, after all. A crack, a seam. He knows his creator, much like himself, is curious. So he pulls the strings further and further away. A jolt, a noise. Was he mistaken? Was this not the creator reaching out to finally talk to us? No, no, of course not. We were warned. How was he so stupid? A beam, the haze.

@Lewis72123 - Is everything alright, you're starting to freak me out man.

@A4Adam - Praying for you, TK.


@TKministry - Dec 01, 1999
Hey all, quick update. Comments will be disabled starting the first day of 2000. I don't want to lose any of the comments here. Also, me and Adam will be cracking down on new comments thanks to you all know who.

@eline_H - Go away, evil walrus!!

- @TKministry - Adeline, please don't encourage him.

- - @eline_H - :(

@A4Adam - Awesomeness.

Check in.

@TKministry - Nov 09, 1999
Hey all. I am sorry for the concerning posts I've been making. It might be a common occurance where I say something kind of intense and stupid and just delete it an hour later. It is not coll of me to throw this at everyone, but this website feels like a journal to me sometimes. Thank you.

@TKministry - Cool of me, not coll, lmao.

@GalilZP - If you ever need to talk, I am here TK. I want you to know that whatever happens is all part of god's plan. We were meant to do this, in some weird way.

About Me


Hi! I am TK and this is my webpage!

Important Dates

Dec 6, 1998 - Turning on the tower for the first time!

Jul 4, 1998 - BBQ with TK! BYoB (Bring your own Bacon! lmao!)

May 31, 1998 - Site wide update! Keep an eye for new changes!


Email me or come down to the church so we can have a chat!